Kerala Scenery Tour Package by Tifa Holidays

There are time a dozen Kerala Scenery packages but to pick the one that truly suits your interest whether it is nature history art culture cuisine or leisure requires discretion.We help you shortlist Kerala Scenery packages that are a bang for your bucks. There is no exaggeration in Kerala s status as God s own country for how else does one explain its gorgeous 600-kilometre stretch of undisturbed coastline skirting the Arabian Sea the palm-fringed beaches a network of languid backwaters home to a vibrant rural life the misty tea-covered Western Ghats wildlife reserves teeming with endemic flora and fauna and spice plantations running rampant on its valleys and hill slopes. One of the country s cleanest states and perhaps the friendliest too it is an absolute delight travelling around visiting the historical temples and museums in Trivandrum getting a slice of the maritime history in Cochin (Kochi) or taking a boat ride to islands like Mattancherry to trace its Jewish roots. Add to it a culture that is defined by colourful folk art and dance forms a cuisine that is subtle yet generous in its use of spices and a passion for Ayurveda that promises to soothe frazzled nerves. Simply slacken your stride and let all its sights and smell envelop.ItineraryDay- 1 ARRIVE COCHIN- On arrival meet & assistance at Cochin airport railway station and proceed to the hotel check in your hotel. Rest of the day free for your own activities. Overnightstay at hotel.Day- 2 COCHIN- MUNNAR- In the morning finish your delicious breakfast we willStarts from Cochin and reaches Munnar by afternoon. On the way visit Kodanadu elephant carecentre Cheyyara waterfalls Valara waterfalls Attukadu waterfalls Spice plantations etc.Munnar sightseeing and stay at Munnar.Day -3 MUNNAR- Sightseeing destinations includes Eravikulam national park (Raja Malai) Mattupetty dam tea estates Eco point Spice plantation Rose garden photo point honeybee tree tea museum blossom park Kundale dam and top station. You can also enjoy boating in the Lake rock climbing trekking (optional). Overnight stay at Munnar.Day- 4 MUNNAR -THEKKADY- Sightseeing destinations in Thekkady Periyarwildlife sanctuary where you can see wild elephant boar deer the great Indian tiger and more mullaperiyar dam and spice plantations tour where one can shop exotic spices.In the evening you can go for boat cruise in the lake and experience the wilderness Enjoywatching martial arts of Kerala kathakali elephant ride bamboo rafting jeep safari naturalwalk jungle patrol trekking and can go for ayurvedic massages (optional). Overnight stay atThekkady.Day-5 THEKKADY-ALLEPPEYLeaving to Alleppey in the morning afterbreakfast. Enjoy the backwaters scenery and different places for 21 hrs in Kerala Style Houseboats from 12 Noon. In the houseboat you will be greeted with welcome drink tea snacks mineral water lunch dinner and breakfast. Overnight stay in the houseboat.Day- 6 ALLEPPEY- KUMARAKOM- Linger awhile in Alleppey the chance toexplore further by boat or on foot before travelling to Kumarakom where a luxury room in theresort awaits you. Kumarakom is noted for its bird sanctuary or take a trip to Vembanad Lake afocal point for flora and fauna.Day- 7 KUMARAKOM COCHIN- Your chauffeur will arrange for you to spend time browsing in Fort Kochi on your last day in Kerala. There is much of interest in this busy port city with Christian and Jewish areas all boasting relics of days gone by and Kochi s rich colonial history. For your last drop of Kerala life visit Kasi art cafe and treat yourself to a delicious shake before making your way to the airport.s st_tour keralasscenery



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