Customer Service Representative

s jobopeningsjobs(at) mCustomer Service Representative needs 2 years experienceCustomer Service Representative requires High School or equivalent Ability to produce quality and professional written correspondence with customers Ability to demonstrate and perform basic math Customer service orientation Intermediate PC knowledge working knowledge of Windows operating systems proficient with Microsoft Office fluent with Internet and mainstream web browser Commitment to providing resolution to customer issues on the first contact Strong English comprehension and a good command of grammar Previous experience in a telephonic or personal customer contact position Customer Service Representative duties Assists customers telephonically and non-telephonically with service and support issues. Resolves problems utilizing department tools resources business judgment and expertise and appropriate partnerships with field stores resulting in increased customer satisfaction and retention Acts as a positive role models by demonstrating continuous performance improvement solid business skills and support of department and company objectives. Ensures productivity revenue generation and quality levels are met in order to meet and exceed customer expectations. Uses courteous and professional language. Works effectively in a team environment. Creates a win-win resolution to problems.



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