Seeking "A Shelter In Place" E-Chat Friend

Hi first off yes I am a real man. Today is Saturday April 18th 2020. In my community we still continue Shelter In Place .Just FYI I live in the California Bay Area. I am open to meeting woman of all ages but please do not contact if you are a money scammer thanks.My name is Jonathan. I am an attractive intelligent 57 year old single white male. During this time when many of us are respecting the Shelter in Place I would love to find a woman who is bored like me and looking for some cyber fun. You must be open minded and willing to chat about sexual things. I am not opposed to possibly meeting in the future if we have things in common.I have attached current photos. I am 5 8 tall 158 lbs short brown-salt and pepper hair (it is receding) blue eyes and a great smile. I keep in great shape with an atheltic body slim waist and broad shoulders. My personality is very easy going fun witty and a great conversationalist. I am college educated.I have eclectic interests ranging from art-museums indie-art house-cult movies all types of music and bands etc.I would love to meet a woman into exhibtionism possible dominant-submissive tendencies. Let s discuss out interests.My prerference is to meet a mature woman (40s to 50 s) but will consider younger. I am into White or Asian women average to slightly curvy bodies natural no waxing.Again please be serious and not a time waster. Tell me a little about yourself where you live and your interests.I hope to hear from one real woman



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