T-shirts that are for sale at these sites.

These t-shirts are stuff I have been working on and here are the creations. Please go to the websites below to browse maybe laugh and hopefully make a purchase. s bit.ly peoplesuck2020 This site is a storefront that has many items with the words PEOPLE SUCK plus some merchandise. The world today is getting worse and worse. bit.ly flushgovernment This site is a storefront that has many items that is based on when Nancy Pelosi disrespected President Trump during a speech an ripped up his speech. bit.ly pitythefool1 This storefront has t-shirts that says I PITY THE FOOL THAT VOTES FOR BIDEN Out of all the canidates I don t care for this guy and there are others that don t care for the guy. PLEASE HAVE A BROWSE IF YOU LIKE ANYTHING PLEASE ORDER. HAVE A SAFE DAY DURING THIS EPIDEMIC WE ARE HAVING I have submitted watermarked photos of my t-shirts



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