Animation Courses after 12th

Baag. Bharathi Academy of Animations & Gaming This makes you job ready in just 6 12 18 or 24 months depending on which program you choose. we are more than hallways and classrooms instructors and students. Baag Animations is a community that is built through industry contacts and advancing technologies. It is a college that nurtures students along their educational journey providing challenges and opportunities mentorship and motivation all while fostering a collaborative environment where students can reach their full potential. Entertainment Adversitment Education Gaming and develop observational and drawing skills Baag Animations More details -Email - info(at)baaganimation.comPhone - 91 9966777864Address - 3-6-524 Zee Plaza Flat No. 302 Street No.7 Himayath Nagar Hyderabad - 5000029 Telanganas animation



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