300 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh

Welcome to the practice of yoga With Rishikesh Yog Sansthan where our team of highly qualified educators will guide and suport you on this wonderful journey of discovery into your body and yourself that will help you find your fullest potential physically mentally emotionally and spiritually.The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh Course offered by Rishikesh Yog sansthan is a great platform for the seekers to intensify their practice of Hatha Yoga. Our 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training course is a 28 days intensive yoga program designed to deepen your already existing knowledge and foundations of yoga. You must have already completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training program to be eligible to enroll in our 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training program.The 300-hour yoga teacher training course is a complete residential multi style yet traditional Hatha yoga course running for the duration of 4 weeks. It expands on the knowledge learned in the 200-hour to elevate your skills and deepen your understanding of yogic principles. Course fee includes food and accommodation. On successful completion you will be a certified yoga teacher with RYT 300 Yoga Alliance USA Rishikesh Yog Sansthan has an expert team of teachers and assistants to ensure that you learn from the best. You can connect with the teachers and get a deeper understanding of your curriculum as well. The experience gives you a great way of finding eternal bliss peace and the gift to share the yogic lifestyle with others. Facilities Environmentally friendly Smoke-free property Yoga shala Free Wi-Fi What s includedExtensive knowledge of yoga practices.Single accommodation with attached toilet for 28 daysThree vegetarian meals everydayPlanned excursions on SundaysSurprise camp with classesYoga materials (Note book Neti Pot Pencil Pen Yoga Mat)300 Hours Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Dates Schedule -03 March 2020 30 March 2020 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training 1550 Booking Open03 April 2020 30 April 2020 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training 1550 Booking Open03 May 2020 30 may 2020 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training 1550 Booking Open03 June 2020 30 June 2020 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training 1550 Booking OpenRishikesh Yog Sansthan Yoga Village - Jonk Swargashram Ram Jhula Rishikesh Uttarakhand India 91 8218445792 rishikeshyogsansthan(at)gmail.com



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