Late 40s man for friendship only

Hello I am not looking for a romantic relationship I have issues. I am not looking for sex...Please don t write me asking if I m sure I don t want sex.(you know who you are)I am hoping to find a pen pal at first. I am not against meeting but I want to have written relationship before then. I have various interests that I will simply list because I would have a lot to say about each one. But it s rather impossible not to mention one or two interests that permeate my thoughts and my personal culture. I ve since early adolescence that I had an affinity for mathematics anthropology and other constructions. I guess I must be the genius who passed into madness. My love of knowledge is complicated my love of art is as well. I am not a guru of anything nor am I really educated. I just have this core belief that life can be something else even in its most fundamental biological structures. I guess its Biology for idealists. Often called a Woody-Allen-type I am as free-thinking as I can be. That means accepting that my limits be pushed back. In general I am the type of person who gets accused a lot but only by people who don t have a lot of education. I guess this testifies for my unconventional appearance demeanor and mode of expression. This particular element is much more present in French because of the rift between the written and the spoken language. In other words when you speak smart in French in Quebec you stick out like a sore thumb. I just stay quiet.Isolation is a strong pattern in my life hence the online approach. I was always around people but never really thought I was actually there. So many people have passed through my life lots of good times yet I m alone. I realized recently that I was really alone with my thoughts. The way I think does not fit with anyone I ve met but I still have cynical hope that there will be at least one day before my end where I will spend the day with a group of people to have fun and just be together.I am seperating from my wife of five years I was depressed most of my life but never as lonely and depressed as with my ex-wife. I am rebuilding myself and I don t feel confident to meet people in person for now. If you like to write of irony and laugh hardily drop me a line.



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