1959 Chevrolet Fleetside

For sale I have a 1959 Chevrolet 3100 Fleetside Pickup Truck. It has a 305 Small block engine with a 350 intake. I recently replaced 4 barrel Carburetor with a brand new Edelbrock Carburetor.The Cap Rotor wires and plugs have also been replaced.I purchased this truck from Worldwide Vintage Autos in Colorado about 2 and a half years ago. We recently moved and I was lucky enough to inherit a couple of other older vehicles from a deceased in -law.I just don t have the room for it anymore. It has brand new Cooper Raised Letter Radials with less than 100 miles on them. It has a brand new Custom Exhaust System both Stainless and seamless by Lou s Custom Exhaust.The Truck bed has been replaced with a brand new Diamond Plate and Stainless Side walls. The Truck bed was taken off and frame cleaned and undercoated. The bed Rubbers were also replaced and the rear shocks are brand new Monroe Shocks.The vehicle has a brand new rear Chrome bumper and license plate light. The Valve Guides and umbrellas have also been replaced and the vehicle wiring has all been done.I was told by Worldwide that prior owners were a father and son team who owned vehicle for 20 plus years. The father passed away and the son could no longer bear to look at vehicle because it had to many memories therefore they sold it to Worldwide.I had no intention on selling it but like I said I inherited 2 pristine vehicle a 41 Ford and a 55 Ford therefore I do not have the room.If interested please call Tom at 339-927-2693. Thanks.



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