JUST LISTED Wonderful Bellflower Home

HOUSE FOR SALE 9326 Prichard Street Bellflower CA 90706 Welcome to this wonderful home in Bellflower with its front porch inviting you to enjoy sitting out on a summer evening as you greet your neighbors as they walk by. Step inside the large light and airy living room with a unique ceiling feature and you will notice lots of natural sunlight streaming in onto the newly refinished hardwood floors plus there is fresh interior paint newer windows and custom baseboards that all can be found throughout the home. A formal dining area is steps away from a large kitchen offering lots of counter space and white cabinetry plus a sunny breakfast nook with wainscoting that overlooks the front yard. An inside laundry room with overhead storage gives convenient access outside to the driveway area to bring in groceries. Of the three bedrooms the master suite is large enough to accommodate king size furniture and has its own full bathroom with vintage blue tile plus two separate sink areas. The other full bath has a large vanity sink with lots of storage that serves both guests and the other two nice size bedrooms both of which have ample closet space and ceiling fans. The backyard is fully fenced with a block wall and has tons of potential and can be accessed through the long and double-gated driveway leading back to the two-car garage. Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com Allison(at)SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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