Rustic Ornamental country barn style handcrafted artistic modern

Rustic Ornamental country barn style handcrafted shelf.Here we have one of our fine pieces rustic modern art handcrafted to detail using recycled and reclaimed materials in our renewable energy powered family workshop. Finished in fine quality beeswax.Although the style is the same each one has unique details such as knots and chaffed edges. Ideal as a gift or to enjoy yourself. We only use reliable sources for our materials and production ensuring these are safe for reuse and have certified markings for this purpose.Each item is carefully and lovely produced with a final check before leaving our workshop and wherever possible we will use recycled packaging when sending this to you via delivery. (please make contact for delivery so we can help you with a price) Alternatively you may wish to collect your item in person by appointment.Average item dimensions are Longest height 54cm(29.5inch) Width 42cm(16.5inch) Depth including shelves 11cm (4inch)(if you need more details or require specific sizes please contact us)Ornaments are for display purpose only.If you have any other question please feel free to contact us.



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