Holland Lop

Cute Baby Holland Bunny 11 weeks old. We purchased the Bunny through a Breeder four weeks ago. The children had handled the Bunny several times and is now learning to how to use a litter box. Bunny is so very sweet and enjoys being held and seems to want to be out the cage frequently.Our asking price 230.00 includes cage small box hay. My younger daughter is allergic to the Bunny and will we are sad to sell him. We paid 230.00 for him. He came from a Breeder. We will provide all accessories and nearly 1 year of Hay and Pellets for the same price. We did try using a water bottle for sometime however the baby bunny did not seem to know how to drink out of it. He does prefer to drink out of a bowl. He loves fresh fruit banana peels orange peels apples and baby Carrots. He loves to hop around the house I would not have him attempt to walk on the carpet as of yet since he is still learning how to be potty trained. He is quickly learning how to use a litterbox and will for now will suggest a few months before placing him on the carpet. We want a very good home for him. My youngest is three and he is so sweet and patient with her.636-485-7962Monica Thank you



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