Got Algae

The most common problem with both residential and commercial ponds is algae growth or the accumulation of muck. For a majority of pond owners your water being cloudy or dirty-looking is usually due to a breakdown of sludge. This is why regular maintenance especially a proper Spring start up are so crucial to the ecosystem of your water feature A Spring clean out is like a fresh start for your pond and allows for clearer water and better health for fish or aquatic plants. Your pond needs to be drained and power washed aquatic plants can be divided and re-potted check the soil and liner fill gaps and adjust landscape remove all debris check all filter and plumbing systems pond lights checked or added refilled and detoxified balance chemicals and reacclimate fish and more If you find yourself short on time or the know-how to properly perform a clean out and keep up on routine maintenance throughout the summer hire a local pond service to take care of it for you. A pond maintenance company such as Laughing Waters are experts who specialize in the cleaning care and repair of your water features. With regular maintenance throughout the summer you re well on your way to combating dark murky water and keeping algae from overrunning your beautiful water feature For more information on how Laughing Waters Pond Maintenance can help call our specialists at 708.586.2393



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