33 yr. Old Mexican American seeking LTR

Hello im currently seeking hoping to find that special someone my other half lol.. Im 284 lbs. and 5 4 ft in. tall. I and chubby -top heavy and I do not have a butt-sorry to say it Lol.. Im normally shy and a homebody. I like watching YT and movies. I have 2 pet cats. I work as a healthcare provider-caregiver and live with a roomate and their family. I would like to go out more and travel. I have an adveturous pallatte for food. My type of guy is fit and tall-at least taller than me. I like men who dress appropriate- no gangmember saggy pants baggy clothes. I like men with strong personalities. I preffer hispanic whites or blacks only You can also hit me up on Facebook and Instagram under Maira Favela.



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