JUST LISTED Charming Two-Story Bellflower Home

HOUSE FOR SALE 17446 Deerfield Avenue Bellflower CA 90706 Welcome to this charming home in Bellflower please take a virtual tour www.17446deerfield.com Welcome to this charming two-story home in Bellflower. A private gated entrance leads you to the front door that greets you as you step into a spacious light and airy living room with cathedral ceilings and large picture windows where steaming sunlight flows in throughout the first floor. The adjacent formal dining room is steps away from an upgraded kitchen offering beautiful oak cabinetry a pantry and a kitchen sink with a window overlooking the patio and backyard which is accessed by a sliding glass door off the kitchen. An attached two-car garage at the front of the home has a laundry area and a door leading into the 1st level where there is a bath. Upstairs there are two roomy master ensuites each with their own private baths both with vanity sinks plus shower and tub combinations. Additional amenities include central air and heat and as of March 2020 newer exterior paint and a new roof making this home move-in ready Cindy Hinderberger CA DRE 01902607 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com EveryoneKnowsItsCIndy(at)gmail.com 562-754-8802



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