Here at USA Better Barns we provide quality barns for agricultural as well as for your private residential properties. Our company has been building barns as well as other construction projects for over 20 years. We pride ourselves in providing our customers with best quality pole barns that are built in your area. We customize them to fit your needs.WE NOW OFFER FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN 12 MONTHS SAME AS CASH SALE GET IT WHILE IT LASTS 40x60x14 with 8x8 post includes the upgraded price (at) 100.00 a post now in the price of the kit. This will NOT last long 6000.00.We also deliver and install Please call the office about any question you have about pricing as well as our products. We are open Monday-Friday 8am-4pm. Office- (352)469-5044 (352)542-0165 (352)356-0111. Harvey Jordan(owner)- (352)578-5710 Check out our Website at



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