Diploma In Naturopathy And Yogic Science

Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga Science DNYS 3 year course from Recognized Institution .Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine based on a belief in vitalism which posits that a special energy called vital energy or vital force guides bodily process such as metabolism reproduction growth and adaptation. hence the scope for naturopathy & yoga is both getting importance day by day all over the globe including India. people who wish to escape the various side effects and symptoms which are caused by an allopathic system of medicine naturopathy and yoga are good for them.Eligibility -The candidate has to pass Higher Secondary 10 2 Education.Career-Candidates have excellent career opportunities worldwide one can work as Researcher Naturopathy & Yoga Yoga & Aerobic Instructor or Trainer Assistant Ayurvedic Doctor Colour Therapist Clinical Psychologist Yoga Teacher etc.RURAL HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCILCALL US -6388843372 8090821275Visit us - www.rhec.in



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