Odisha Textile Tours

Odisha is a land of art and crafts here various artistic works are done by export artists. Odia Handloom is one of the great examples of it. Textile industry in Odisha is very ancient and full of variations.Bhubaneswar - Jajpur - Keonjhar - Sambalpur - Balangir - Boudh - Puri02 Nights 03 DaysDAY 1 BHUBANESWAR - NUAPTNA - JAJPUR ROAD (220KMS 4HOURS) Morning drive to visit the textile village Nuapatna famous for tie & dye system and later proceed to Jajpur Road. Overnight stay at hotel.DAY 2 JAJPUR ROAD - FAKIRPUR - KEONJHAR (180KMS 4HOURS)Drive to Keonjhar enroute visiting Tassar Silks weaving Village Fakirpur. Overnight stay at hotel.DAY 3 KEONJHAR - SAMBALPUR (240KMS 5HOURS) Drive to Sambalpur enroute visiting few Tribal Villages .Afternoon visit Samaleswari Temple. Overnight at hotel.s www.travelholidaysindia.com



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