Tastefully Renovated Apartments Homes at Tierra Del Sol Tierra Del Sol offers diverse community living with a family and pet friendly atmosphere. Our tastefully renovated apartment homes bring together people from all walks of life interested in a wide range of activities or just a relaxing escape. A lifestyle that fits you is WAITING at Tierra Del Sol Tierra del Sol allows for easy access to the 60 605 and 710 freeways. You will love living in the center of this vibrant neighborhood -Carpeting-Remodeled Full Kitchens-Dishwasher-Fitness Center-Accent Wall-Microwave-Gas Range-Wood Look Plank Flooring-Double Sinks-Controlled Access Gated-Two Laundry Facilities-Wall-to-Wall Closets-Wall A C & Heat-Ceiling Fan-Assigned Covered Parking



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