
CookYum Yum BBQ 15.20 to 15.40 hourly for 35 to 44 hours per week Permanent Full time Day Evening Night Weekend Shift Overtime Morning Starts as soon as possible 1 Vacancy Job requirementsLanguagesEnglishEducationSecondar y (high) school graduation certificateExperience1 year to less than 2 yearsSpecific SkillsInspect kitchens and food service areas Clean kitchen and work areas Maintain inventory and records of food supplies and equipment Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods Plan menus determine size of food portions estimate food requirements and costs and monitor and order suppliesCook CategoriesCook (general)Work SettingRestaurantSecurity and SafetyBondableTransportation Travel InformationOwn transportationWork Conditions and Physical CapabilitiesFast-paced environment Work under pressure Repetitive tasks Handling heavy loads Physically demanding Standing for extended periodsWork Location InformationUrban areaPersonal SuitabilityFlexibility Team player Dependability Reliability OrganizedEmployment groupsThis employer promotes equal employment opportunities for all job applicants including those self-identifying as a member of these groups Full time position is preferred but part-time job seekers are welcome to apply. Part-time may be offered upon discussion. How to applyBy emailyumyumbbqcook(at) By mail104-3 Stonegate Drive NWAirdrie ABT4B 0N2 Job location 104-3 Stonegate Drive NWAirdrie AB T4B 0N2



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