HEINEKEN Candle Birthday Gift Home Decor Recycled Bottle Beer Bo

WWW.MOONSHINE-CANDLES.COMHEINEKEN BEER CANDLEREuse REduce REcycle. Recycling bottles one by one since 2017The wicks are all natural and are Zinc and Lead free. Soy wax is a natural plant based wax that is GMO FREE Contains NO paraffin NO unnatural additives. These Candles are made from recycled liquor bottles. We cleaned cut grind sand and polish these bottles to bring you a perfect & unique Candle.Recycled Bottle Candle Soy Wax Candle Gift Essential oils Home decor Decor Decoration Mother s Day Father s Day Christmas Gift Christmas Present Birthday Gift Birthday Present Recycled Bottles Secret Santa Vodka Candle Whiskey Candle Cognac Candle Rum Candle Tequila Candle Beer Candle Champagne Candle Rum Candle.



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