Great home in the Franklin Meadows community This property features 4 bedrooms 2.5 baths formal living dining area and separate family room. The kitchen has an island with sink maple cabinets and a pantry. The nice sized family room has a gas fireplace great for the winter. The indoor laundry room is on the second floor and has cabinets. The yard is fully landscaped and has large patio.Lease Terms 1 Year RENT TO OWNRent Price 2 100Security Deposit 2 100Date available 7 15PET FRIENDLY PROPERTYCONTACT PROPERTY MANAGER UPON SHOWING- 916-888-5595INTERIOR FEATURESBedrooms 4bd Bathrooms 2.5bthCeiling Fan Total interior livable area 2 123sqftLot size 0.12 acresCooling System Air ConditioningHeating Electric Gas Forced airFlooring Carpet TileLaundry features In UnitParking features Attached Garage 3 spacesYear built 2003Cable TV ReadyFencing Back YardAppliances included Dishwasher Garbage disposal Microwave Range OvenRegion Elk GroveHelen Carr Castello Elementary SchoolToby Johnson Middle SchoolFranklin High School In-person tours may not currently allow for safe social distancing or comply with public health orders. please consider alternatives such as slide show or video consultations.



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