Liberty Task Chair Polished Aluminium - Black Fabric

The Liberty Task chair is an intelligent mesh task chair engineered to provide automatic lumbar support for every user as well offering simplicity and complete ease of use. Liberty was designed to offer a unique minimal aesthetic and to provide custom comfort for every person who sits in it. With a minimal aesthetic that complements any space the Liberty chair is the ideal seating solution for the modern work environment. With advanced features including automatic weight-sensitive recline arm rests that are attached to the back of the chair for constant support and an innovative tri-panel mesh backrest Liberty combines performance simplicity and beauty. With fewer parts than traditional task chairs Liberty is a timeless and environmentally friendly design. PRODUCT FEATURES EFFORTLESS RECLINE Liberty s intelligent mechanism-free recline uses the laws of physics and the sitter s weight to automatically provide the perfect amount of support through the full range of recline. Without manual controls to adjust the user can change postures effortlessly throughout the day. CUSTOM FIT Liberty s mesh back is formed by combining three panels of non-stretch mesh material in the same way a tailor combines multiple pieces of fabric to create a shirt. Its contours are made to custom fit and support each individual sitter throughout the day. ENCOURAGES MOVEMENT Liberty was engineered to automatically adjust to whoever sits in it instantly accommodating each user regardless of size and weight. Because it has no manual adjustments and features Humanscale s weight-sensitive recline the user can move easily and without restrictions. EASE OF USE Featuring Humanscale s weight-sensitive mechanism-free recline the chair automatically adjusts to the bodyweight of each sitter to provide perfect recline support. Using the laws of physics all the user has to do is sit and the chair will provide the correct amount of tension for their shape. SPECIFICATIONS Chair Width 675mm (26.5 ) Arms 535mm (21 ) Armless Base Size 635mm (25 ) Height Range 420 - 530 mm (16.6 - 20.9 ) Recline Range 17 backrest tilt 7 backrest tilt Chair Weight (18 lbs) arms (17 lbs) armless Stackable No WARRANTY Seating Industry-leading 15 Years Warranty All Fabric Cushions Arm Pads 5 Years Warranty DELIVERY & amp INSTALLATION Inclusive of all taxes. We are currently offering free shipping & amp delivery in pan India as a part of a promotion with no minimum order value. Product installation is done free of cost as part of this purchase. Our technician will visit your location within 3 business days from the delivery of the product.Visit us s eshop product libert-task-chair-polished-aluminium-black-fa bric



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