Freedom Headrest Polished Aluminium - Leather Bizon 480

Described by The New York Times as the gold standard in office seating the Freedom chair redefines the concept of traditional task chairs. Designer Niels Diffrient aimed to design an office chair that automatically adapts to the user allowing them to move freely from posture to posture. Diffrient s unique approach removed complexities found in other chairs such as cumbersome recline levers and back tension dials for a truly ergonomic task chair. As a result he developed a recline mechanism that perfectly adjusts to the user definitively reinventing modern task seating to be truly simple functional and beautiful. With innovative recline that provides constant support and a pivoting backrest that automatically adjusts to the needs of the spine the Freedom chair is exceptionally comfortable and promotes movement throughout the day. Its refined and sculpted cushions were designed to mimic the body s natural contours and decrease pressure point loads for premium comfort. Like all Humanscale chairs the Freedom chair was designed to look and function like new after years of consistent use PRODUCT FEATURES EASE OF USE Featuring Humanscale s weight-sensitive mechanism-free recline the chair automatically adjusts to the bodyweight of each sitter to provide perfect recline support. Using the laws of physics all the user has to do is sit and the chair will provide the correct amount of tension for their shape. ARTICULATING HEADREST Freedom s body-fitting contours ensure the user sits in comfort all day long. Our cushions are built to maximise comfort for four hours rather than the industry standard four minutes which is as long as a sit-test in a new chair generally lasts. SELF ADJUSTING RECLINE Freedom eliminates the need for traditional recline mechanisms which can be bulky and weigh up to 6.8kg (15 lbs.). Instead Freedom uses the sitter s body weight and the laws of physics to perfectly and automatically adjust recline support for each individual. SYNCHRONOUS ARMRESTS Freedom s body-friendly armrests move up and down together staying with the user during recline for continuous comfort and support. Unlike other chair designs Freedom s armrests are attached to the back of the chair to ensure synchronous use. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Chair Width 690mm (27.25 ) Base Width 635mm (25 ) Height 510mm (20 ) Weight 17kg (38 lbs) with arms 15.5kg (34 lbs) without arms WARRANTY Seating Industry-leading 15 Years Warranty All Fabric Cushions Arm Pads 5 Years Warranty DELIVERY & amp INSTALLATION Inclusive of all taxes. We are currently offering free shipping & amp delivery in pan India as a part of a promotion with no minimum order value. Product installation is done free of cost as part of this purchase. Our technician will visit your location within 3 business days from the delivery of the product.Visit us s eshop product freedom-headrest-polished-aluminium-leather-b izon-brown-480



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