Bpo outsourcing services

We provide various types of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) projects across the globe for startup and skilled companies. We offer wide range of projects for small and medium scale service providers with a seating capacity of 10 to 100 seats, for better understanding you can request for project Details. Our Highlights as Follows: - FREE CONSULTATION: We provide complete support and fee consultation of BPO (Voice & Non-Voice) Projects. FREE COMPUTERS: Once the project is confirmed you the total systems setup provided by client at no cost. FREE SOFTWARE SETUP: Once the project is confirmed you the total systems setup provided by client at no cost. BUSINESS INSURANCE: Once the project is confirmed you the total systems setup provided by client at no cost. ADVANCE PAYMENTS: Advance payment option is available to the eligible centers, if not S.B.L.C issued. PAYMENT GUARANTEES: Standby Letter of Credit for the centers issuing performance guarantee. For More details contact us Ph: + 917259373268 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ultreos.in



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