Room Available 4 Rent

Private room available for one person in Fairfield. We welcome Students Professionals Veterans and Seniors to inquire about the room. The room is for anybody who likes to come home to a clean peaceful environment. We are looking for a person who have a full time job and Verifiable Income. A responsible organized trusty respectful drama free holds normal hours and always clean after themselves.Fully furnished room Bed with new mattress dresser 2 night stand 2 lamps ceiling fan Sony flat screen tv xfinity internet and DISH cable tv shown on the photos. Spacious kitchen has all the pots and pans utensils silverwares glasses dishes bowls for tenants. Dinning room Laundry room and huge Backyard garden area. 750.00 every 1st of the month on time. A 300.00 non-refundable security deposit which will be paid to the maintenance for the cost of labor cleaning and repainting when you vacate the room. This is Month to Month lease. Dish Cable TV Comcast Internet PGE and Water bills share 60 monthly.NO smoking No drugs no pets. Guests are not allowed to maintain quietness and peacefulness for other tenants. The bathroom will be shared between 2 tenants and take turns cleaning the bathroom.If all this sounds like great fit to you Please send me a email about yourself name age job and contact number. Serious inquiries only Thank you for your time



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