Advantage Seresto collar is an innovative flea and tick protection for dogs. With the breakthrough technology Seresto provide long lasting treatment for canines. It kills and prevents fleas for up to 8 months and controls ticks including paralysis tick brown dog tick and bush tick for 4 months. It is the only product that not only kills but also repels deadly paralysis ticks for 4 months. The easy-to-use collar is odourless and water-resistant. Seresto also treats lice treats and controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis and reduces the spread of life-threatening vector-borne diseases which are transmitted when ticks take a blood meal from your dog. Seresto collar offers the long lasting flea and tick protection for dogs and is safe for puppies from 7 weeks of age.Buy it from vetsupply s flea-and-tick-collars seresto-flea-and-tick-collar-for-dogs p2021.aspx



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