Getting to YES &ndash Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

condition excellentLocal pick-up preferred but will ship at the buyer s expense Kingston Books 15 IMG_6941 Authors Roger Fisher and William Ury Publisher Penguin Books A straightforward universally applicable method for negotiating personal and professional disputes without getting taken -- and without getting nasty. Contents Acknowledgements Introduction I. The Problem 1. Don t Bargain Over the Position II. The Method 2. Separate the People from the Problem 3. Focus on Interests Not Positions 4. Invent Options for Mutual Gain 5. Insist on Using Objective Criteria III. Yes But 6. What if They Are More Powerful (Develop Your BATNA - Best Alternative to a Negotiated Settlement) 7. What if They Won t Play (Use negotiation Jujitsu) 8. What if the Use Dirty Tricks (Taming the Hard Barginer) IV. In Conclusion Analytical Table of Contents A Note on the Harvard Negotiation Project Paperback 161 pages ISBN 0-14-006534-2



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