Big Russ and Me &ndash Father and Son. Lessons of Life

Local pick-up preferred but will ship at the buyer s expenseKingston Books 12 IMG_4504Author Tim RussertPublisher Miramax Books Pictures inside the front and back coverContents by ChapterINTRODUCTION ..ixMy Father s War ..1 South Buffalo ..21 Respect ..42 Work ..60 Faith ..75 Food ..85 Baseball ..98 Fatherhood ..119 Sister Kennedy ..126 Canisius High School ..155 Discipline ..173 1968 ..193 Cars ..204 JCU and Law School Too ..219 Daniel Patrick Moynihan ..236 Washington ..252 Politics ..271 Totus Tuus ..288 Meet the Press ..303 Loss ..315 The Bills ..321 Epilogue ..332Acknowledgements ..335 Totus Tuus is a Latin phrase that means totally yours and was the motto of Pope John Paul II. The older I get the smarter my father seems to get. Hardly a day goes by when I don t remember something that Big Russ taught me. Over the last two decades Tim Russert has become one of the most trusted and admired figures in American television journalism. Throughout his career he has spent time with presidents and popes world leaders and newsmakers celebrities and sports heroes but one person stands out from the rest in terms of his strength of character modest grace and simple decency Russet s dad Big Russ.In this warm engaging memoir Russert casts a fond look back to the 1950s Buffalo neighborhood of his youth. In the close-knit Irish-Catholic community where he grew up doors were left unlocked at night backyard ponds became makeshift ice hockey rinks in winter and streets were commandeered as touch football fields in the fall. And he recalls the extraordinary example of his father a WWII veteran who worked two jobs without complaint for thirty years and taught his children to appreciate the values of self-discipline of respect of loyalty to friends.Big Russ and Me written in Russet s easygoing straight-talking style offers an irresistible collection of personal memories. Russert recalls the dedicated teachers who stimulated his imagination and intellect sparking a lifelong passion for politics and journalism and inspired a career that took him from editor of his elementary school newspaper to moderator of Meet the Press.It has been an eventful and deeply satisfying journey but no matter where his career has taken him Russert s fundamental values still spring from that small house on Woodside Avenue and the special bond he shares with his father a bond he enjoys now with his own son. As Tim Russert celebrates the indelible connection between fathers and sons readers everywhere will laugh cry and identify with the lessons of life taught by the indomitable Big Russ.Hardcover with jacket. 336 pages. ISBN 1-4013-5208-1



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