13 Acres 2 mins to Lake Buchanan

Great property in Texas hill country- has existing boat repair on Hwy 1431 in Buchanan Dam 50x90 insulated metal building (built in 2000) 3 bays w garage doors and 50x25 living quarters with upstairs guest room central HAC city water septic 52 solar panels (almost free) and 100 amp drop behind shop. 30x40 insulated metal bldg on property was dog rescue with central HAC and doggie doors city water access to dog bldg and electric meter approx 3 acres fenced.20x16 greenhouse with vent fan on solar meter several faucets around property.100 amp drop down front by road property faces 2 roads (cannot drive through)Located less than 2 miles from public boat ramp at south end of Lake Buchanan 1 1 2 hour to Austin airport.



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