2013 Kenworth T660B Semi Tractor

2013 Kenworth T660B Semi Tractor For Sale in Winter Garden Florida 34787 This 2013 Kenworth T660B Semi Tractor is ready to be put to work This Class 8 vehicle is powered by a strong Cummins ISX diesel engine that is paired with automatic transmission and offers 425 horsepower. This tandem axle truck has 649 854 miles and comes with a raised roof sleeper that offers exceptional comfort over the road. If you are searching for a hard working vehicle to maximize your work efforts than this 2013 Kenworth is perfect for you This 2013 Kenworth T660B has been well maintained. It is a 2nd owner truck and has been under current ownership for approximately 2 years. Don t miss out on this amazing opportunity because this 13 Kenworth is priced to sell. Call today for more information on how you can tackle even the toughest work loads with this Kenworth T660B semi tractor



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