JUST LISTED Very Private End Unit In Signal Hill

CONDO FOR SALE 1903 Temple Avenue 127 Signal Hill CA 90755 Welcome to a very private end unit located in the rear of the complex offering all the features of a house with the wonderful community benefits of a condominium development. Step into an open floor plan with a tranquil living room and enjoy a cozy gas fireplace and sliding glass door that leads out to an enclosed patio overlooking a wonderful view of the garden. The dining area is adjacent to an upgraded kitchen with granite countertops subway tile backsplash white cabinetry and stainless appliances including a five-burner stove. The spacious bedroom suite can accommodate king size furniture and has an adjoined dressing room and table a large vanity sink and a combo tub and shower. Enjoy the convenience of an inside laundry with the stackable washer and dryer. Additional amenities include central air and heat a sparkling pool and spa plus secure underground parking. Two parking spaces and look at the square footage Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com Allison(at) SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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