Global Trading Network Ltd. is seeking a FT Wholesale Buyer

Position Wholesale BuyersTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 24.50 26.00 hour (depending on Experience)Hours 30 40 hours per weekBenefits 4% vacation pay Group Insurance (Dental Prescription Glasses Life Insurance) Job Duties Research select and purchase quality products and materials. Build relationships with suppliers and negotiate with them for the best pricing. Process requisitions and update management on status of orders. Update inventory and ensure that stock levels are kept at appropriate levels. Arrange transport of goods and track orders to ensure timely delivery. Analyze market trends and apply this knowledge to make insightful buying decisions. Coordinate with inventory team management and stockroom as required. Assess quality of stock received and escalate any discrepancies to suppliers and management. Job requirements 3-5 years of experience in wholesale establishmentEducational Requirements Completion of secondary school is required.Language Requirements EnglishNumber of Position 1Location Burnaby BCCompany information Global Trading Network Ltd.Email address gtn_recruit(at)yahoo.comBusiness address 107 3060 Norland Ave. Burnaby BC V5B 3A6 Apply via Email Only



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