Purchase Now High Bay LED Lights For Sale

Your warehouse is very important to place for you thus High bay LED lights are the only lighting choice you have for your warehouse. Having high energy efficiency these lights convert 95% of the electricity consumed into light while only 5% of the electricity is lost as heat. These high bay LED lights are also highly eco-friendly as these do not produce much heat. These lights have an IP65 rating which means that these lights are good for damp moist or wet locations. Having a long operational life these lights last for more than 50 000 hours which means that these lights last for more than 5.7 years even if used for 24 hours of the day.Here are the main features of these High bay LED Lights LEDMyplace UFO High Bay will perform better than any traditional metal halide lights. With a lifespan of 50 000 hours this premium LED light will have your back for years. This fixture can easily be mounted with the various mounting option of the unit It gives the freedom to control the brightness with dimming feature ranging from 0V to 10V Beam Angle 120 Degree IP65 rated Moisture and dust resistance cULus DLC & FCC approved So rush now to LEDMyplace to make the best of your money and avail discounts of up to 70% along with 5 years of Manufacturer s Warranty and 30-day return policy.



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