Best and Low-Rate Ambulance Service in Kankarbagh by King

Are you looking for the finest road ambulance in Kankarbagh Patna with all kinds of medical facilities If yes then contact King ambulance which is the best and famous emergency ambulance service provider in the whole of Patna. You can take all kinds of medical facilities here.King road ambulance is more safe and reliable patient transportation compare to another ambulance. So get our road ambulance service in Kankarbagh and use it in critical situations to shift your patient to a local hospital or any nearby district hospital. We are available 24 hours to give your services.More Details -Office No. Pillar No. 61 Opposite of IGIMSHospital 14 R.K Estates Building Axis Bank Floor Raja Bazar Patna 800014Email - info(at)kingambulance.comCall us - 917091360310 917033699531



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