1691ft2 - Poolside fireplace with cabana 24 hour fitness center

Discover the beauty of Southern California and apply for one of our Tustin apartments for rent today. We have a stunning variety of three and four-bedroom apartment homes with stylish features and incredible amenities. Every spacious floor plan comes with a full-size washer and dryer expansive vaulted ceilings and separate family and living areas. We also offer a generous amenity package. Imagine coming home to a resort-inspired swimming pool and a relaxing spa area or having 24-hour access to a fully equipped fitness center. Experience Southern California like never before and apply for one of our Tustin apartments today. Tustin Cottages is less than 15 miles away from some of the area s most beautiful beaches including Newport Beach and Huntington Beach. Hop on Interstate 5 and downtown Los Angeles in just 35 miles away. It s a world of possibilities when you live at Tustin Cottages. Call or click to apply for our Tustin apartments for rent today -Separate living and family areas-Washer and dryer in each home-Stainless steel appliance package-Pool & spa-Wired for technology-Pet friendly-Jacuzzi tubs-Poolside fireplace with cabana-Easy access to the 5 55 and 57 freeways and expressways 241 and 261-Alternative premium 2-Tustin unified school district-Two car direct access garageEqual Opportunity Housing Provider.



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