Call for Localized Hospital Ambulance Number in Patna ASHA AMBU

All people want a luxurious life without any tension. It is possible when people do labour and get the fruitful output. Human is a social animal and they live together in a family unit. Occasionally any member of this family unit falls ill then all of the family members bother. Here It is an ISO Certified Asha Ambulance Service AAS that almost tries to lessen this medical issue offering Cardiac Care Ambulance Service. This ambulance service has all the emergency and non-emergency medical transportation service privileges. Those names are- Advanced Cardiac Life Support Ambulance Basic Life Support Ambulance Charter Aircraft Medical Flight Commercial Stretcher Wheelchair and Train Ambulance Service.Mostly the patients relative wants the same ambulance service where their patients are admitted. They search ambulance service like IGIMS Ambulance Number PMCH Ambulance Number and so on to transfer their loved ones. It is one of the most loyal and high-demanding ASHA Ambulance always helps them. This ambulance service provider has the best ICU medical team unit and the latest version of ICU accessories inside the ambulance. The patients get a complete Intensive Care Unit like a medical journey under the supervision and treatment of doctors. We are always ready to take this medical responsibility for the sake of any class of patients. Call us anytime we are active and on-duty.Our Office Avenue in Patna Bihar India Reg. Office B 152 P C Colony Rd Housing Board Colony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar-800020Main Office House No-25 Sector-E PC Colony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar-800020ASHA AMBUALNCE SERVICE AAS Helpline No 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 Email id info(at)



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