1962 Chrysler 300 Convertible

1962 Chrysler 300 Convertible For Sale in Edmunton Alberta Canada T6L2L4 Take a step back in time with this impressive 1962 Chrysler 300 Convertible. This two-door convertible is dressed to impress with its beautiful black exterior paint complimented by a very clean matching black and red interior. It has a sleek athletic styling that is reminiscent of a simpler era. Powered by a Factory 413 CU IN V8 engine that is mated with an automatic transmission this 300 is ready to provide an exhilarating display of power and excitement. This 1962 Chrysler 300 Convertible has been very well maintained which has enabled its excellent condition so you can rest assured that this 1962 Chrysler 300 Convertible will be turning heads for many years to come.The Chrysler was full-size automobile produced by Chrysler for 1962 until 1971. It was the replacement for the 1961 Chrysler Windsor which itself filled the place in Chrysler s line previously occupied by the Saratoga just the year before that (1960). At the time it was considered a luxurious muscle car with all the performance of the Dodge and Plymouth products of the time but with the luxury features expected of the Chrysler name. The non-letter series was introduced in 1962 it expanded the letter series on the 4-door hardtop adding 383 V8 as a choice. This 1962 Chrysler 300 Convertible comes equipped with a plethora of options and features that are perfect for any true classic car enthusiast. Highlights of these features include Total Investment 45 000 CanadianDual CarbsPower Steering Power BrakesFactory Air ConditioningFactory Push Button Automatic Power WindowsSwivel SeatsAM RadioCustom Stereo Installed In The Glove BoxNO RUSTPower Top And So Much More This 1962 Chrysler 300 Convertible is a must see drive to truly appreciate all it has to offer. In fact come see for yourself. You will agree that you cannot find another Former Barrett Jackson Auction Car like this one for the asking price. Don t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Call today for more information on how you can get behind the wheel of this classic gem



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