Miracle Polishing Cloth

Condition newI can get 3 cloths into a small shipping bag. Shipping via USPS will be 3.50 Kingston IMG_2794 and 2795 Local pick-up preferred but will ship at the buyer s expense 4.00 each or 3 for 10.00 On Amazon - 10.95 each and those are smaller in size I have about 40 of these left. Product with Virtually Unlimited Cleaning and Polishing Applications Miracle Polishing Cloth can be used by anyone to clean almost anything. Will not leave sediment in crevices or wear off varnished or enameled surfaces. The formation of rust or tarnish on metals after being treated with Miracle Polishing Cloth is considerably retarded as the protective chemicals and waxes in the cloth penetrate into the pores of the metal and leave a wax coating thereby causing the polished surface to retain its luster for a much longer period of time. There are unlimited uses for the Miracle Polishing Cloth such as Removes scuff marks from floors Removes bad corrosion from metals Removes alcohol water ink and heat stains from furniture etc. Removes surface scratches from furniture enamel and silver Removes burn marks from electrical appliances porcelain stoves etc. Removes paint spots from metal glass porcelain tile and varnished surfaces Removes rust stains from bathtubs wash bowls bumpers trim wheels and hub caps Cleans polishes and protects all motorcycle metals aluminum chrome magnesium stainless steel nickel brass silver removes rust from chrome oxidation and pitting from aluminum parts and boot leather burn from exhaust pipes. Polishes without scratching any ferrous or non-ferrous metal any precision metal product any die mold or machinery also removes rust and discoloration and perfect for removing heat caused blueing Removes road film from glass and metals Polishes all metal and wooden instruments accordions and cymbals Removes rosin stains from violins Cleans lacquered instruments without harm Polishes and waxes the wood and enamel parts and removes rust and corrosion from the metal of golf clubs fishing tackle boats guns and outboard motors Finest Gun cleaning product on earth - Just wipe away lead burn rings rust carbon and plastic buildup on handguns rifles and shotguns. Leaves a sparkling finish is inexpensive and long lasting. It cleans polishes and protects. It can be cut into patches and as a bore cleaner removes powder fouling lead fouling copper fouling and plastic fouling. Reduces the need for a lubricant. Can be used as a wiper on stainless or nickel guns. Miracle Polishing Cloth is great for Sterling Silver Plated Silverware Pewter Gold Nickel Steel Aluminum Copper Brass Auto Bodies Bronze Furniture Enamel Ceramic Tile Guns Cutlery Tools Machinery Care Marine Maintenance Tool Maintenance Pots and Pans Appliances Porcelain Bath Fixtures Make your brass silver copper and bronze shine in minutes. A revolutionary polishing cloth that replaces and out performs a full shelf of liquid paste and powder cleaners. Even removes heel and scuff marks from floors. A Miracle Cloth cleans polishes and waxes everything in the house or shop.



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