50F.LF Beautiful Large Home with Lovely Gardens

Call us today to view this lovely well cared for large home. Open kitchen with formal dining room and built-in hutch. There is a family TV room with closed private wet bar. Sit in the large living room with built-in shelves and drawers that has sliding glass doors that lead to the two-level lanai with fabulous garden views. The master suite has a queen size bed and dressers. The ensuite has double vanities with double walk-in closets. There is a private shower and toilet. The guest suite has a walk-in closet with its own private full bath. Both bedrooms have carpeting as does the living and tv rooms. There is ceramic tile flooring in both bathrooms and kitchen. There is a built-in office area. Lots of storage. Large storage unit and utility tub with long driveway. Medium maintenance landscaping in your own backyard park like setting. Roof was replaced in May 2012 Hot water heater August 2013 and the 4-Ton A C replaced in June 2013 with a 10-year warranty. New front door replaced in 2017 and dryer in 2019. The current lot rent of 747.65 can be assumed until June 30 2021. This home is located in an age qualified gated community of Lake Fairways Golf & Country Club. The Lot rent for this property will be 1123 per month in July 2021. Call Annette Graley and for your private viewing today.



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