Freshbooks Xero and Sage all three software are best in their own way. They are the software that is specifically designed for handling the accounts of small business purposes. However to know which one is better in terms of what their feature comparison is necessary. Here we help you with the qualitative comparison of this software to clear all the doubts regarding them FreshbooksFreshbooks is an online accounting software suitable for small businesses. It is a cloud-based version that helps you create and send invoices while the payments are automatically recorded. It also tracks the cash-flow and helps get payments easily by accepting credit cards and online payments.XeroXero is a very popular accounting software that will let you do various business-related activities.In particular tasks like creating and sending invoices bank reconciliation creating a dashboard managing expenses etc. In fact it serves different software for different purposes to make accounting hassle-free. Its cloud-based version is also available to give you mobile accessibility.Sage Sage is an integrated accounting software suitable for many businesses whether small medium or large. It updates syncs all your data in real-time across different devices track your expenses helps you manage your accounting and payroll and prepares your dashboard.BASISFRESHBOOKSXEROSAGEInvoicingCre ate professional invoices and send them to customers with the payment details.Send bills & receipts and record their details. It also lets you approve every invoice before sending it to the respective customer.Lets you generate invoices and send them through mobile devices.AccountingFreshBooks reduces your workload by automatically creating journals ledgers accounts balance sheets etc. Moreover It helps you be organised by recording all the data and sink them automatically. It also generates its backup in case we require it.Xero offers you a separate software XeroHQ solely for bookkeeping and accounting purposes. It is integrated software that keeps all the details you require for business and creates progress reports and client data with their respective invoices.Gets your data entry done reconciles creates reports and forecasts & manage cash flow. It offers mobile access to the accounts. The interface of sage is easy to understand that even a layman can use with no difficulty.CashflowGenerates dashboards containing all the information regarding your expenses and payments received.Xero automatically imports all your bank transactions securely. It also reduces the burden of grouping by keeping transactions under specific categories.Manage your finances by keeping records of all the cash flowing in and out and keeping records online.TrackingTracks time of your working hours so you charge exactly from your clients. Also tracks team productivity for better performance.Xero keeps track of your time and cost and your payments and expenses all at one place. So you don t waste time searching for any important information.Sage s Enterprise Management product lets you manage and keep track of your finances inventory and also productions and its supply.Bank ReconciliationLet customers pay directly through invoices deposit them in the bank account and transfer the data securely.Xero integrates with major banks of the country to make banking procedures easy and smooth. It eventually helps in increasing efficiency.Manage your money and payments by allowing clients to pay through payment apps and credit & debit cards. Also it securely records every transaction quickly and in easy steps.MobilityAll three software gives mobile accessibility I.e you can access your data from anywhere anytime. You can also create and send invoices get any details about any customer or supplier through the apps in your smartphone.We hope that this is the right FRESHBOOKS VS XERO VS SAGE comparison.



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