Gaur Saundaryam

Gaur Saundaryam Phase 2 is awesome residential project in Greater Noida West. It is featuring 3 4BHK Flats with all modern amenities which is necessary. Gaur Saundaryam offers 3 4 BHK to those who are in the look out for serenity and refuge of nature as well as convenience of location. The luxurious apartments amidst a green landscape uplift your mood by its proper ventilation flow of air and sunlight proper space & architectural design. It also has a fully operational Clubhouse comprising swimming pool sauna steam etc. which will enable you to rejuvenate after a day s hard work. Gaur Saundaryam is situated in Greater Noida (w) at a high proximity to Delhi. The 130 m wide road near 6 lane FNG expressway gives the project a far more affordable and convenient nature than other locations. Gaur Saundaryam Offers homes that will make your dream come true of a blissful living.Gaur Saundaryam



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