Welfare House in ATS Happy Trails 9266850850 Noida Extension

ATS Happy Trails is a residential project by HomeKraft Infra Pvt. Ltd. located in Sector 10 Greater Noida West. It is build on an area of 8.6 Acre encompassing 1239 units across 12 towers. ATS Happy Trails Greater Noida West offers 2 BHK Study and 3 BHK Study Apartments for home seeker who wants affordable homes. These apartments available in various sizes between 1165 sq. ft. to 1625 sq. ft. with starting price 49.60 LAKH To know more about size click ATS Happy Trails Floor PlanProject Highlights - 3 tier security Redefined facilities World class amenities Proposed Metro Station Accessible from 120m wide road Wide roads & green belts on two sides Project Details - Project Name - ATS Happy Trails Location - Noida Extension Area - 1165 Sq.Ft. (2 BHK) Price - 49.60 lacs Contact Details for Booking - Call Us - 91-9266850850 Website - www.atshappytrailsnoida.net.in



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