Bridal Makeup Artist Clare Pearson

Bridal Makeup Service Clare PearsonAs your private & personal Bridal Makeup Artist Clare will work with you to ensure that your vision becomes a reality. Whether you prefer a look that is soft and romantic or sophisticated and elegant it is her goal to capture your personal style and enhance your natural beauty.Clare will make you look and feel truly sensational on your special day making you feel like the only girl in the world being pampered and relaxed allowing her to enhance one of the most memorable days of your life. Creating picture perfect hair and makeup are what Clare does best so she will work with you to create your perfect vision which will last from the moment you reach the aisle right through until the end of your day. Your TrialYour makeup and or hair trial should usually take place no later than 4 to 10 weeks prior to your big day and will last between 2-3 hours. Trials can take place in Clare s salon or at your chosen venue. During your trial Clare will discuss your wedding in detail to gain a full understanding of your theme colors and your dress by going through look books or any photos you may have gathered. She will then work closely with you to achieve your perfect look importantly keeping with your own individual style at the same time as being as natural or as glamorous as you would like so as to reflect your personality. Clare will also advise you on a skin care regime to use in the run up to your wedding to ensure your skin is at it s best showing a natural glow on your special day. Her makeup philosophy is all about glowing skin and perfect lightly contouring essentials for looking flawless in person yet gorgeous on camera.During your trial Clare will also discuss the requirements of any other members of your bridal party including bridesmaids mother of the bride mother of the groom and flower girls. Members of the bridal party may also wish to have a trial if they wish to.At your trial when you are completely happy with your chosen look Clare will take photos and complete a face chart detailing the products chosen to ensure the look can be replicated on your wedding day. Clare advises all her brides to purchase the lipstick chosen at your trial to allow you to touch up your lips on the day after all your congratulatory kisses.Your Wedding DayOn your wedding day Clare will visit you in the comfort of your own surroundings be it your home or chosen venue so you can sit back relax and enjoy the start your special day while she works her magic making sure your makeup looks flawless and naturally beautiful.Clare also provides a bridal package if requested where she will be on hand all day and touch up your bridal parties hair and makeup prior to the evening to refresh your look or to apply a change of makeup for an evening look in time for the arrival of your guests.



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