The Fighting Temeraire is a Belgian jacquard wall tapestry rendering an oil painting by the English artist J. M. W. Turner 1838. It depicts one of the last ships of the line which played a distinguished role in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The 98-gun ship HMS Temeraire is shown being towed by a paddle-wheel steam tug towards its final berth in Rotherhithe in south-east London in 1838 to be broken up for scrap. The painting hangs in the National Gallery London having been bequeathed to the nation by the artist in 1851. This evocatively beautiful piece complements any home decor motif and makes a perfect gift for the nautical enthusiast in your life.Weight & DimensionsDimension A - H 40 x W 51 Inch Weight 4.50 lb Dimension B - H 58 x W 78 Inch Weight 8.00 lb FEATURESProduct Type - TapestryOrigin - Woven in BelgiumColor - Blue Beige White CreamComposition - 80% Cotton 20% Viscose and Polyester blend.Finish - Backed with lining and tunnel for easy hangingShape - RectangleLocation - Drawing Room Entrance Living RoomArtist - NOSource s products the-fighting-temeraire-belgian-tapestry-wall- hanging



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