Liquidation Sale- The Berry Center

The Berry Center Liquidation Sale 3017 Walton Way (next to Langford MS). October 9 & 10 from 8 a.m. until 1 00 p.m. only. Must be able to move at time of sale. Bring loaders. Refrigerator microwaves 3 handicap ramps 18-wheel rig storage handicap learning and physical equipment new & in box wheelchair swing frame new and in box child adult swing set new and in box 3-person metal swing set handicap bus with lift (bus not working) building new and used wooden picnic tables wood desks with extensions wall cabinets wooden cabinets small and large file cabinets small dishwasher cleaning supplies paper towel and soap dispensers with refills school grade folding tables leather furniture child s wheelchair adult wheelchair hung wall cabinets office supplies walnut table and leather chairs farm house white furniture new non-verbal equipment Ipads new Wii and games books manual lift chair and table for disabled can opener and coffee maker sports equipment outside basketball hoop indoor basketball hoops new basketballs new basketball hoops still in box notebooks coffee tables upholstered like new chair leather chair and ottoman sofa table and lamps brand new fabric seat stackable chairs used stackable chairs tons of arts and crafts and seasonal decor handicap patient indoor lift new lawn chairs built in charcoal grill planters movies cds Dell computer monitors paintings and pictures small safes and lock boxes medical equipment body strengthening equipment water fountains mop sink and so much more.18-wheel rig full of decor metal shelving work gear tools paint gas oil chairs pictures and some unknowns. Iighting not great but packed with lots of stored misc. ADDITIONAL 50 PHOTOS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.



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