Rescuing Families End of Summer Charity Estate Yard Sale

RESCUING FAMILIES CHARITY YARD SALE IS BACK SATURDAY & SUNDAY AUGUST 22ND-23RD GATES OPEN AT 10AM (please be patient as we can only allow 10 people in at a time there will be a line to get in & amp a mask or face covering is mandatory to enter) WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING VENMO CASHAPP & amp PAYPAL IN ADDITION TO CASH AS PAYMENT AT THE SALE CALLING ALL COLLECTORS PICKERS SHOPPERS THRIFTERS AND ANYONE LOOKING FOR SOME FANTASTIC BARGAINS UNIQUE ITEMS BRAND NEW ITEMS & amp EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN WE HAVE IT WE HAVE RECEIVED SEVERAL HUGE DONATIONS FOR THIS MONTH S SALE RESCUING FAMILIES SUMMER BLAST OFF CHARITY YARD SALE WILL BE IN FULL SWING THIS WEEKEND AND YOU DON T WANT TO MISS OUT WE ARE BACK AT IT WITH OUR MONTHLY YARD SALE COME DOWN AND SEE WHAT THE BUZZ IS ALL ABOUT WE HAVE APPROX. 1800 SQFT OF SALE EVERY ITEM YOU CAN IMAGINE FROM RECORD ALBUMS DVD S ELECTRONICS TOOLS ANTIQUES VINTAGE ITEMS KITCHENWARE HOME DECOR JEWELRY HANDBAGS CLOTHING SHOES SPORTING GOODS BOARD GAMES SPORTS COLLECTIBLES BOOKS AND SO MUCH MORE WE HAVE COMIC BOOKS AT THIS SALE WE RECEIVED A DONATION OF 9 LONG BOXES OF COMICS (DC MARVEL IMAGE DISNEY ETC)OUR CLOTHING AREA WILL BE OPEN FOR THIS SALE You will notice a lot of changes in that area from last year and we are excited to tell you about them... There will be a 12 bag sale going on this month... everything in the clothing area with the exception of winter coats( 8 ea) can go in the bag for 12 This accessories(scarves belts hats gloves etc.) adult and children s clothes can all go in the bag Everything is set up and just about ready to go We are re-stocking the racks this week Please note there will only be 3 people allowed in the clothing area at one time to be able to maintain social distancing. We will be giving you numbers for that area upon entry to the sale. We ask that you do not go to the area until your number is called. WE HAVE COMPLETELY RE-VAMPED OUR ENTIRE SALE ALL OF THE DEPARTMENTS HAVE BEEN RESTOCKED WITH ALL OF THE NEW DONATIONS WE HAVE GOTTEN IN EACH MONTH IS GOING TO BRING SOMETHING NEW FOR THE CHARITY YARD SALE YOU DEFINITELY DON T WANT TO MISS IT THIS MONTH S SALES We will have our Fill a Bag Sale going in full force.... 15 - fill a bag w DVDs 12 - fill a bag w CDs 8 - fill a bag with VHS 8 - fill a bag with Books Throw Pillows are buy one get one free (equal or lesser value) 50% OFF of Sporting Goods(Includes Exercise Equipment) 50% OFF Large Framed ArtBUT BEST OF ALL WE ARE DOING A POP UP JEWELRY STAND AND WE HAVE NOW INCLUDED HANDBAGS & amp LUGGAGE There will only be 3 people allowed in the area at one time. DON T FORGET OUR PROGRESSIVE 50 50 THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT OUR FINAL SALE OF THE SEASON IN NOVEMBER THE TICKETS ARE ONLY 2 SHARE THIS WITH ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TELL ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE TO LEARN ABOUT OUR CHARITY WWW.RESCUINGFAMILIES.ORGWE RECEIVE NEW DONATIONS EVERY MONTH



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