King Road Ambulance Service in Patna The Low Charges Solution fo

The road ambulance has provided the urgent transportation service due to which the emergency patient gets transferred from one place to another. Curb to curb transportation with stretcher has provided by the King Road Ambulance service in Patna. It has the mobility to reach the destination hospital so fast. The distance is covered smoothly and safely by the King Ambulance in Patna. The King Road Ambulance services have offered the latest medical equipment and different types of ambulance like the ICU Ambulance in Patna Ventilator ambulance Cardiac ambulance and more. The 24 hours running services are provided to the patient here.Contact Information Office No Pillar No. 61 Opposite of IGIMS Hospital 14 R.K Estates Building Axis Bank Floor Raja Bazar Patna 80001424x7 Hours Emergency Call 917091360310 917033699531Email Id info(at)



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