Mesmerizing Odisha.

4Days 3night Incorporations - 4 hotel remain - Transfer through Cab - Meal Beginning FROM -14999 - INR Day 1 - Arrival day- Arrive at the Bhubaneswar airport railway station and meet our representative. Visit Pipli Hirapur Dhauli Shiva Temple Sun Temple at Konark Chandrabhaga Beach and the Ramachandi Temple. Then you will proceed to Puri and check in at the hotel for overnight stay. Day 2 - Jagannath Temple - Chilika Lake - Puri Sea Beach After breakfast proceed to visit Sri Jagannath Temple and Gundicha Temple. Later head to Satpara (Chilika) where you can spot Irrawaddy Dolphins. In the evening return to Puri for overnight stay. Day 3 - Puri - Bhubaneswar - Nandankanan - Bhubaneswar Relish an appetizing breakfast and drive to Bhubaneswar. Later proceed for a half-day sightseeing of the tribal museum and the Khandagiri and Udayagiri Caves. Then you will drive to Nandankanan Zoo and enjoy the safari ride. In the evening you will return to Bhubaneswar. Overnight stay in Bhubaneswar. Day 4 - Departure. After breakfast check out from the hotel and proceed to the Bhubaneswar airport railway station for your journey back home after a wonderful trip to Odessa.



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