Aircraft Seat Cover Change Agent

UST APPLY ON OUR CAREERS SITE IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE POSITION. APPLY HERE s ACC1013ACUFL JobBoard 6cfcd450-0325-4c29-aa5e-9784b9ade4c3 OpportunityDetail opportunityId a65ecb7d-3ec0-4b3d-a0bd-50ad40222f06 We are looking for Seat Cover Change Agents to join our team. The ideal candidates will have an unrestricted driver s license for at least one full year with a clean driving record and preferably previous work experience cleaning or changing seat covers on aircraft buses trains etc. Successful candidates for these positions are able to work quickly and efficiently ensuring all safety and operational guidelines are followed during every service provided. You are reliable punctual cordial to your co-workers and a self-starter. You thrive in a fast-paced environment and have a positive can-do attitude and you are very motivated to go above and beyond what is expected. BENEFITS Competitive salary Free uniforms Paid training Holiday pay 401K ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS Must be at least 18 years of age Speak and understand English Able to pass a pre-employment drug screen 10-year background check (criminal employment) and be able to obtain airport security clearance VALID Driver s License for at least 1 full year with a clean driving record required LOCATION Charlotte NC - Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) PAY 10.50 hr POSITION TYPE Part Time SCHEDULE Overnight (9 30 PM - 2 30 AM) Monday - Friday PLEASE NOTE This is a summary of the position and requirements please visit . AccuFleet International is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer



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