Housekeeper (Full-time)

Air Force Enlisted Village is looking for Housekeepers to join our team. This position provides clean sanitary comfortable orderly and satisfying surroundings for the residents employees and public. Employee must follow the directions of the Director of Maintenance in anyway needed to carry out their responsibilities. Must promote sanitary conditions which prevent the spread of infection and odors. Personnel may be required to perform tasks which involve exposure to visible blood contamination or reasonably anticipated blood contamination. The housekeeper must follow the required procedures for handling cleaning disposing or moving of objects materials and or the clean-up of blood infectious materials or body fluids in accordance with the OSHA Standards. Will comply with all AHCA requirements.Job Type Full-timePay 11.00 - 11.25 per hourBenefits Health Insurance Dental Insurance Vision Insurance Life Insurance 401(k) Matching Paid Time Off Referral Program Schedule 8 Hour Shift (typical start time 8am and end time 5pm)Experience Housekeeping 1 year (Preferred) Cleaning 1 year (Preferred) Work Location One location in Shalimar FLSetting Healthcare Residential Office Building How to apply Please send your resume application to HR Director Jena Sweeney hrdirector(at)



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